Monday, January 11, 2016

for our core values poster

We discovered that all of us but one, are pretty opinionated, so we had to be careful that we listened to each other and made sure everyone was INCLUDED and had a chance to share their ideas.

We DISCOVERED that is was hard to not jump in or take over if a team member was not getting something right away and help them figure it out for themselves instead of just telling them the answer.

We learned that we were INTEGRATING the Core Values we were practicing at FLL in many other areas of our life, and we didn't even realize it. One team member mentioned her basketball team, another mentioned playing videos games with other friends, someone talked about youth group at church and even just learning to be a better sibling. It isn't always fun or easy but these are just basic life skills everyone needs all the time.

We created a blog to share our ideas with other teams. We met a more experienced team at the Calvert Rec Center competition that we had some things in common with and we have been following them to learn more, also. Sharing and learning with others is way more fun and important than winning!!

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